There are four things you need to do to get started:
- Create your account
- Create your Partner Page
- Create your Ad Block
- Create connections with other businesses
Creating an account:
- Sign up with an email and password
- Accept terms of service
- Create your profile
- Enter your organization name (this will also become you subdomain, choose wisely)
Creating a partner page:
- Page Header (or welcome message)
- Page Body (a quick description of page purpose)
- Home Website (link back to your website)
- Subdomain (same as organizational name)
- Hero Image (the large image to the right of Page Header and Page Body)
- Company Logo (small image)
Creating an Ad Square:
- Title
- Description
- Link
- Primary Action Text
- Image/Company Logo
Invite Partnerships
- Email them through your PartnerSquare Account
- Look them up if they already have a PartnerSquare Account
- Approve them in your account